Friday, August 17, 2012

What is the Son-Rise Program

The Son-Rise program is based on 4 pillars-  Making and sustaining eye contact, communication, having an interactive attention span and having flexibility within interactions.   Step 1 of the program is to set up a playroom.  Step 2 is to set up a schedule.  3 Recruit volunteers, 4   Train Volunteers and hold group meetings    5. Plan for support and follow up training. 

It is recommended that a family run a 46 hour a week program with at least 6 volunteers.   The Parent or volunteers stay in the playroom to follow the child’s lead and try to foster the 4 pillars above.  When the child is *stimming*,  the parent or Volunteer is to join in with that stimming until the child stops.

Floortime/DIR and RDI vs The Son-Rise Program
Repetitive “Stimming” Behaviors
The Son-Rise Program
Advocates being “playfully obstructive”, which means endeavoring to generate social interaction but playfully getting in the way of the child’s behavior so they have to interact with you to move you.
Advocates “joining”, which means entering the child’s world by enthusiastically participating in their repetitive behavior until the child interacts of their own volition. This is seen as central to creating a willing interpersonal connection.

Repetitive “Stimming” Behaviors
RDI ( This is what The Sonrise website claims about RDI)
The Son-Rise Program
Neither stops nor joins the child.
Advocates "joining", as explained above.

Red and Green Lights: The Exclusive/Interactive Continuum
Floortime/DIR and RDI
(This is what The Sonrise website claims about RDI)
The Son-Rise Program
Seeks the child’s interaction regardless of the child’s “state.” Facilitators are taught to look for opportunities to create and build interaction as much as possible.
Teaches how to see, in each moment, where a child is on a continuum - from exclusive/in their own world (red lights) to interactive (green lights). During red lights, children are joined in their world. Teaching and challenging happens only when the child is giving a green light.

Celebration of the Child
(This is what The Sonrise website claims about RDI)
The Son-Rise Program
Does not believe in big celebrations of the child (particularly with regard to eye contact) because of a concern about doing anything which might be construed as ABA-type behavior-shaping reinforcement, which is seen as bleeding social interaction of most of its humanity. When the child engages in some way, the facilitator either remains silent or “spotlights” what the child did in a low-key manner.
Sees another way forward with a different kind of huge celebration which adds humanity. Celebrates eye contact, communication, flexibility, and engagement as magnificent and meaningful steps toward the world of others. Uses celebration to express a deep sense of gratitude that the child can understand, enhancing closeness and social engagement.

The Importance of Attitude
Floortime/DIR and RDI
(This is what The Sonrise website claims about RDI..please visit here as we go through what RDI really says about these points)
The Son-Rise Program
Values attitude, but does not make it central to every aspect of program implementation..
Sees attitude as vitally important, since having a non-judgmental and welcoming attitude determines whether the child feels safe and relaxed enough to interact and learn. It also determines whether parents stick with a program.

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